What should everyone know about travel?

Everyone should know that the most important thing to pack is patience. The more you travel, the more unpredictable things become. You can plan until your heart is content but nothing ever goes according to plan when it comes to travel. Just take a deep breath and wait for your opportunity because it will come eventually. Sometimes things happen unexpectedly and they’re far from bad!
More specifically with Russia, what do you think?
I would say people in Russia tend to be a lot more conservative than us here in the USA. In Russia, I noticed that men don’t hold hands with each other or show public affection like they typically would in America. Also, there are not many obese people in Russia which was something I rather enjoyed seeing compared to back home.
I think it’s beautiful how Russia is so open to everyone embracing their unique style of fashion! You can find anything you’re looking for at a reasonable price too, that’s one thing I loved about Moscow. If you ever visit, make sure to check out the Izmaylovsky Market by the Kremlin! It was my favorite place in all of Moscow.
Did you experience any issues while traveling? Did they impact you?
Well… let’s just say I brought home an unexpected souvenir from Russia. 😉 Although I do appreciate the little friend I made there. Let me tell you though—there are plenty of cats in Russia but they are not pets nor are they cute and cuddly like ours here in the USA. They’re far from it! These Russian cats are practically wild animals and they’ll let you know about it if you try to touch them. Getting bit by a cat was one of my more unpleasant travel experiences but fortunately, I had already been vaccinated against rabies before visiting.
So I would say… make sure to wear gloves when trying to pet any Russian kitties—they tend to hiss at first too! If you keep your distance though, they are pretty chill once they get used to you being around. While I do appreciate that Russia is very LGBT friendly, their acceptance of people who are HIV+ isn’t as strong as other places in Europe or here back home in America. You can sense a stigma for someone who is HIV+ so I would just recommend being cautious about your surroundings if you’re planning a trip.
Would you do it again?
I have already been three times and plan to visit at least once a year from now on! It has become my favorite vacation destination. Oh, one last thing… make sure you dress warmly when visiting Russia during the winter months! You never know what kind of unpredictable weather patterns may occur—it was -30°F (-34°C) the last time I visited in December, with heavy snowfall too. So be sure to check the weather before flying over there; Siberia is gorgeous but that cold can take years off your life real quick!
Do you think people should visit Russia?
Definitely! Like I said earlier, the people are nice and they’re very accepting of outsiders. I couldn’t have felt more welcomed by the locals during my time spent visiting Saint Petersburg, Moscow, and Sochi. I also noticed that most Russians love their vodka! You can find a bar or restaurant no matter where you go—so just drink responsibly is all I have to say about that.
What do you think is an important thing for everyone to know about traveling in general?
I suppose it would be best if we were honest with each other and admit there’s no such thing as “safe” travel these days with everything going on: political tension between countries like the USA and North Korea; terrorist attacks in Europe; the Zika epidemic; mass shootings happening in America… I could go on forever. There’s no denying that the world is becoming more violent, hostile, and erratic as time goes on.
But there is a solution to all of this! If you can, get out of your country for a while and see the world from a new perspective. You will likely come back with some interesting stories too! I encourage everyone reading this blog to get out of their comfort zone right now if only it’s just for one day—see something different besides your normal routines and the daily commute to work every day. Get out of that gray bubble we’re all living in here in America and venture into a place that doesn’t look like another typical American city or town.
I guarantee it will have a positive impact on your life when you return home after being out in the world. 👌🏻
I want to travel. But I don’t know how to start.
I would start by doing some research on all the possible places you could visit in your lifetime. Google or YouTube anything that interests you! Make a list of countries, cities, towns, and attractions that seem fun to experience.
Then narrow down your list by looking up travel costs for airfare and hotels in each place. Calculate how much money you need to save up before booking the cheapest flight over there.
Once you reach your destination, don’t be afraid to explore new things like local cuisine offered at restaurants (but be sure to do some outside research beforehand so you know what to expect!). And don’t worry about getting lost either—that’s one of my favorite things about traveling; it’s cool seeing where fate leads you sometimes. 😉